Friday, October 16, 2009

Portfolio Visit at Like A River

Portfolio Visit with Rob From like a river.


Rob had said on emails that he preferred to see students as a group. This was good for me nerves wise and for the reasons why he did it. He likes to look at students work in a group crit so more than one person has an opinion.


As soon as we arrived at like a river he made us feel right at home and sent us to make tea while he was finishing up some important work. When we sat down in the room with him he told us about life in the design industry and a number of awards and competitions they have entered.


The first thing he made us aware of was that like a river does not show their work that is done for an image purpose. He was big on ideas. This was reflected on their website and when it came to my portfolio crit. The first year work was posters made to look pretty rather than holding a strong idea. Although it padded out the portfolio it was not necessary in there. He advised us to go back to them, ignore the brief and certain fonts we had to use and include an idea within them.


 It made me realise I needed to have a stronger portfolio based on ideas. He liked the identity group work we did and my kitchen of meaning posters. If he had some criticisms it was to benefit me.


He showed me how to layout my portfolio better and told us the important of typefaces. Our lack of knowledge on font was obvious and has made me want to get a better knowledge in this area.


He is emailing me some past roses briefs for me and Casey to work on. He has invited us to come back for help and guidance on these briefs to make our portfolios stronger. It was a very insightful and interesting visit that I have taken a lot away from.

As we were leaving Rob gave us both a copy of their Like a.... book.

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