Craig Oldham came in to speak to us on the 23rd of april 2009. This was my most enjoyable lecture because he could still relate to us as students and he made it very funny. Craig left college 3 years ago and left chase to work at music. He has written a book called 12 in 12. This book contains 12 things you learn being out in the business the first year after your degree. HE told us the differences between Logical thinkers and emotional.I found this interesting as I did not know the two existed. He showed us films to back up his points which is something i havnt seen done before. The lecture went thorough the 12 steps which we have been given a copy of the text. The most interesting point for me was about the work placements and as well as giving us reason to do placements he also gave the cons which is rare to hear. The work i have included was for the manchester evening news informing people about there new address. We got shown the journey of this work and how group input is important. Craig ended the lecture with a quote from Erik Kessel," Work hard and be nice to people."
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