Thursday, April 30, 2009


Truth is a Manchester design company made up of two designers.
They have worked for huge clients such as Coca-cola. They worked on a Fanta brief for them. They work i like the most they have created is the work for Font works. Which i have included some imagery. these stills were made into a film. The other work i liked the most was the editorial design they did for verses cancer. They designed the branding and it worked well when applied to the magazine.
True North


Four 23 is a design agency based in Manchester and London. They were established in 2004 and unlike normal design agencies they are a mix of Graphic designers,photographers and fine arist. They have done work for big clients like samsung,adidas and work for the london marathon.
They have worked on the sharp building and for this teamed up with Peter Saville.
They also created the impossible wall for the london marathon which was a place all the runners could write on
Paul Rand

Paul Rand was a well known American graphic designer that died in 1996. He was most famous for his corporate logo design like the IBM one i have shown below. HIs other famous logo designs include Apple,UPS,ABC and Westinghouse.
The other image i have put on is from the book Sparkle and spin a book about words.
This book was designed by Paul Rand and his wife.
Tibor Kalman

Tibor Kalman
Kalman was born in hungry but moved to america where he became and influential graphic designer. Kalman opened the famous design studio M&CO and shut business while he worked on the color magazine. After this project finished he re opened M&CO and worked there till he died
in 1999.
The images i have shown are from the magazine colors. This magazine illustrated views on racism and did this by changing the race of public figures such as the queen.
Fake Id workshop
Fake id came in the studio to work with us today.W got given a picture of a man on a horse and had to create a two minute voice over that doesn't describe anything directly in the picture. I got paired with Casey and we both decided it looked like a scene from a film. After looking at the John Smith girl chewing gum film we decided to to a directors commentary of what has happened before and around the picture. We had to present our narrative soundtrack to the class which was recorded. It has now been published on LSTN an online archive of language text and noise. This is on FAke Ids website www.wefakeid.com/lstn
here is mine and caseys script
• What time is it? We need this scene done before its dark please!!
• Are the cameras in focus?
• Joe get the cameramen to sort out the cameras and get new film roll in them! Asap!
• Right get Annie on the phone that light bulb needs fixing on lighting rig 5.
• Actor 4 into make up
• Now!!!
• Quiet on set please,
• Lighting rig three turn it on!
• Who’s left that chair on set??
• Get that moved immediately
• And that tree. Move it slightly to the left
• A bit more, bit more stop.
• Actors 2 and 3 get in positions please
• Get actor 4 out of make up now please we need him on set.
• Come on speed up everybody! Action in 30 seconds!!
• Wind machines 1 and 4 switch on please
• That’s too much turn off number 1.
• That’s better.
• Where are the extras get them all in positions straight away.
• You there guy with big hair
• Spit that gum out!
• Ok camera man 2 move you camera back slightly
• That’s it perfect.
• Right everyone quiet now
• Ready for action
• Everyone on set and in positions
• Scene 5 take one
• Action.
• Bring your horses in slowly from the right
• She said slowly!
• Ok a few more steps
• Right stop there
• Extras enter scene
• Play the crowd background noise
• Actors 2 and 3 prepare for racing scene
• You two, get into positions.
• Switch to camera 3.
• And race!
• Actor 2 you two close to actor 3
• Back off slightly
• Come on extras I need enthusiasm
• This is a race
• Quicker actor 3
• Control your horse
• Control your horse
• And cut
• Someone bring the horse trainers in please
• All ready for second take.
• Are the horses ready now?
• And actors
• Ok quiet on set.
• Scene 5 act 2.
Fake id came in the studio to work with us today.W got given a picture of a man on a horse and had to create a two minute voice over that doesn't describe anything directly in the picture. I got paired with Casey and we both decided it looked like a scene from a film. After looking at the John Smith girl chewing gum film we decided to to a directors commentary of what has happened before and around the picture. We had to present our narrative soundtrack to the class which was recorded. It has now been published on LSTN an online archive of language text and noise. This is on FAke Ids website www.wefakeid.com/lstn
here is mine and caseys script
• What time is it? We need this scene done before its dark please!!
• Are the cameras in focus?
• Joe get the cameramen to sort out the cameras and get new film roll in them! Asap!
• Right get Annie on the phone that light bulb needs fixing on lighting rig 5.
• Actor 4 into make up
• Now!!!
• Quiet on set please,
• Lighting rig three turn it on!
• Who’s left that chair on set??
• Get that moved immediately
• And that tree. Move it slightly to the left
• A bit more, bit more stop.
• Actors 2 and 3 get in positions please
• Get actor 4 out of make up now please we need him on set.
• Come on speed up everybody! Action in 30 seconds!!
• Wind machines 1 and 4 switch on please
• That’s too much turn off number 1.
• That’s better.
• Where are the extras get them all in positions straight away.
• You there guy with big hair
• Spit that gum out!
• Ok camera man 2 move you camera back slightly
• That’s it perfect.
• Right everyone quiet now
• Ready for action
• Everyone on set and in positions
• Scene 5 take one
• Action.
• Bring your horses in slowly from the right
• She said slowly!
• Ok a few more steps
• Right stop there
• Extras enter scene
• Play the crowd background noise
• Actors 2 and 3 prepare for racing scene
• You two, get into positions.
• Switch to camera 3.
• And race!
• Actor 2 you two close to actor 3
• Back off slightly
• Come on extras I need enthusiasm
• This is a race
• Quicker actor 3
• Control your horse
• Control your horse
• And cut
• Someone bring the horse trainers in please
• All ready for second take.
• Are the horses ready now?
• And actors
• Ok quiet on set.
• Scene 5 act 2.
The girl chewing gum by John Smith

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Email to Gareth Fleming
The Chase

The Chase
The chase is a Manchester design agency est in 1986. They have since opened a office in London and a new satellite building in Preston. The Chase hold 4 staff and have a turn over of 5.6 million. The quote i have added is from there website and i find it a very inspiring quote. THe images i have added is a logo/identity designed for a business called september who has a hairdressers below a seafood restaurant. I liked this work as it relates the the hybrid work we created in the first year. The second is the cock a doodle book which has such a simple yet amazing idea which has been produced by the binding.
Fake id

Fake id is a design company founded in 1999.It is made up of two designers Yvan Martinez and Joshua Trees. Both of these and the company is based in London and Los Angeles.
They have well known clients such as Volvo, urban outfitters,Sony and Nike.
Fake Id are coming in to o a work shop with us on the 30th of April 2009 followed by a lecture on the first of may.
Thomas Heatherwick

Thomas Heatherwick is a British designer/sculpture/artist.
The Heatherwick studios are based in London and was opened in 1994. The aim of the studios was to bring architecture,design and sculpture together in a single practice. Thomas attended design college in manchester where he is know famous for his B of the bang sculpture which is placed outside Manchester city stadium.
The other image of his is a cafe on a beach front.He designed the cafe to mingle in with the setting.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon (1923-2004),an AMerican photographer is credited with rising fashion photography to an art form.He also became one
of the most acclaimed
portrait photographers of the 1900's.In 1967
he created the famous Beatles poster that was sold world wide. Avedon has photographed many famous people in his life time including marylyn monroe and has worked for harpers bazaar.
Pin hole camera
Neville Brody

Neville Brody is a british graphic designer and typographer. He has been in the industry for over 20 years. He started off creating album covers and became famous as the art director of face magazine. Body has pushed visual communication through all forms of media and has created a book of his work which is one of the best selling graphic design books.Brody was one of the founding members of font works and made a umber of notable type faces for them. Brody continues to work as a graphic designer and teamed up with Fwa Richards to launch his own design practice called Research studios in London.
Since then they have opened studios in New York,Paris Berlin and San Francisco.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Like a river

Like a river is a manchester based design company.
They have worked for big clients such as disney and universal studios. THe images i have posted on my blog are the work that stood out to me the mist from there website. The did a campaign for travel care based on smile. There was a series of posters including holiday objects that had incorporated a smile. The other image is a packaging they created for Slumberdown for a new range of pajamas. Like a river have also published a book called a little book of like a.....
Johnson Banks
Johnathan Barnbrook

Johnathan Barnbrook is an english graphic designer and typographer. He is known for making statements with his work such as culture,war and politics.
Johnathan Barnbrook is an english graphic designer and typographer. He is known for making statements with his work such as culture,war and politics.
He is probably best known for the names of his type faces which include Bastard,Prozac and Exocet. He uses layering in his work which allows him to use advertisements to reveal anti corporate messages. Johnathan founded ++B A R N B R O O K ++ design who have done work for clients such as Beams and sky.
Scott King

Scott King
Scott King is an english artist and graphic designer.
Scott has worked for clients such as diesel, selfridges, smirnoff and sony music.
Scott was born in the late 60's in yorkshire and has lived and worked in London ever since.
Scott was the creative director of Sleazenation magazine and worked as art director for i-D magazine winning

awards for best cover and best designed feature.
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