Friday, May 7, 2010

Like a river visit

The last visit I had to like a river we continued the work on self promo. myself and Casey went in with sketchbooks with our ideas in.

My work was surrounded on my initials E.g being an example. I had mocked up a number of ideas how i could use this in a mailer. One being sending an E and G fridge magnet so they could hang an " example" of my work on the fridge.

Rob showed me how this idea could be made simpler. An example of this way by letter with a copy along the lines of

For my first job I needed a novel way for people to remember my name. How can I get you to remember my name? E.G Something short and sweet.

This lead us to go on and discuss ways of incorporating this into my portfolio. Rob advised us to layout our portfolio as brief and solution. He suggested placing E.g in this copy.

Rob still wanted me to look at the greek idea for my mailer. Suggesting something along the lines of...  one quarter of me is greek Thankfully not the bit of me that designs ... or one quarter of me is greek hopefully my feet for dancing not my head for designing.

We are continuing the process of writing for our portfolio and mailers

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