Monday, January 4, 2010
j2o advert

Natan Jewelry poster
Hard Rock Cafe Poster
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Angleo Seminara

Friday, January 1, 2010
Email contact to Rob at like a river
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 10 December 2009 20:39:50 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Yes that sounds great. We like coming in thats why we don't like saying we are to busy because we don't want you to think that we can't be bothered. We are really benefiting from it and we can both see a change in our work and approach.So Thanks again or all your help. And see you the monday after then? The 21st?
Emma and Casey
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 10 December 2009 16:35:23 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
ooooooooo. Now we get it. We have not thought about that to be honest. But it make sense that we need to start. Yes but only if you are not to busy.
Emma and casey
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 10 December 2009 12:41:39 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
We are unsure what you mean by self promo? the self written brief??
We are just trying to get lifeline and the money brief ready to exhibit a week today.
Emma and Casey
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 23 November 2009 13:40:51 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Good idea,
well we will aim to get to the car park near your studio for 5 so we will be with you just after.
Unless we get extremely lost. ha
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 23 November 2009 12:23:36 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Hi Rob,
we will see you around 5 this evening, is that still ok? Also we have driven into college today so we need to get the 7.32 train back to Stockport before the college car park shuts.
Hope thats ok.
Emma and Casey
(No Subject)
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 20 November 2009 13:18:27 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
The smile is coming along well but still needs improvement.
We are working on the backgrounds at the moments. With an idea to try and incorporate the number/values meaning in to the design. What time would you like us to come in on Monday? we have presentations all morning so can make it anytime for 1 onwards?
the queen
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 19 November 2009 13:48:55 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
| 2 attachments | Download all attachments (559.8 KB) |
| head 4.jpg (268.0 KB), smile.jpg (291.8 KB) |
| ||
What do you think of these?
Emma and Casey
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RE: writing
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 16 November 2009 17:41:42 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk; casey_saves@hotmail.com |
Thanks. We had a tutorial when we got back and our tutors did not get the museum work and suggested we did not do it. Me and Casey are in to minds but was enjoying doing the elastic band and undertaking brief. So next Monday we may have picked up one of them instead of the museum for now.
See you Monday
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 16 November 2009 15:09:53 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Hi Rob.. First attempt not 100% its right though.
Redesign the £5 £10 £20 £50 pound note.
Route 1-Change the queens smile as the note value increases.
Route 2- Increase the jewellery and head wear on the queen as the value gets higher.
Redesign the background for the money using a plain colour with added pattern. Add characteristics of the note and apply the queens head with changes.
Make museums sexy
Apply type and innuendos to stationary and museum decor.
Using British museums as a brand.
Apply British museum as a brand to :
History Museum
Art Gallery
Science Museum
and Industry museums
Link these to innuendos
Life line. Launch telephone helpline to try and prevent suicides in Northern Ireland
Apply life line emergency phone into suicide situations and hot spots
Make into a campaign promoting the phone number. Showing 1 digit less than the suicide statistic. Therefore showing the saved life as a result of the call.
Yet again thank you for today and your help. We really do appreciate it.
Emma and Casey
p.s what was that mans name who created the potato head stamps?
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 10 November 2009 14:23:56 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Yes that helps. Thanks.
Yeah we were going try it with different famous food chains and see what works best.
(No Subject)
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 10 November 2009 14:00:35 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Hi Rob.
Writing for lifeline
Aimed at the person -
Life line.
The light at the end of a tunnel
The average suicide rate in northern ireland has reached 242 a year.
Don't let your self become a statistic.
Aimed at the family-
Life line
Act now save a life.
The average suicide rate in northern ireland has reached 242 a year.
Don't let your loved ones become a statistic.
Also having a slight problem with the money. I took photographs and scanned in the notes. Both times the computer has come up with warnings. It alters the quality of the note and does not allow print. Due to laws.
Its fine from notes found off the internet but the files are very small and poor quality. Any ideas?
(No Subject)
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 09 November 2009 17:09:20 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Thanks for today Rob.
Hope your client presentation goes well.
RE: Hi
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 08 November 2009 17:20:11 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Ok thankyou.
My number is xxxxx so if anything changes let me know. If not see you at 12 and will make sure we keep it short
RE: Hi
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 08 November 2009 12:24:10 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Yes that is what we have been doing. It sounds like you have a really busy day tomorrow.We can make it next week if you want? And we will send you some of the work via email of where we are up to tomorrow instead?
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 08 November 2009 11:39:30 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Hi Rob. Just send me an email to let me know what time we should come in tomorrow. We will be in uni for 10 anyway so any time will be fine .
No Subject)
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 02 November 2009 16:30:38 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Hi Rob thanks for today and we will see you next week.
RE: Roses Brief
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 02 November 2009 10:31:10 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Ok see you then.Thanks
RE: Roses Brief
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 02 November 2009 10:16:03 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
We are just in uni. We are fine to pop in whatever time today
Emma and Casey
RE: Roses Brief
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 29 October 2009 08:48:25 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Hi Rob, Just to let you know we are both free all next week apart from thursday. So we will go around what day suits you best.
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 17:11:09 +0000
Subject: Re: Roses Brief
From: rob@likeariver.co.uk
To: emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk
Just leave it with me. I think we can definitely do Monday just not sure what time.
On 10/26/09 4:52 PM, "emma georgiou"
Shall we come in ruffly the same time as the other week? about 2-3 o'clock. If this doesn't suit you just let us know. If not we will see you Monday
roses brief
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 27 October 2009 21:33:05 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
No problem just let us know
RE: Roses Brief
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 26 October 2009 16:52:27 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Shall we come in ruffly the same time as the other week? about 2-3 o'clock. If this doesn't suit you just let us know. If not we will see you Monday
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 15:42:47 +0000
Subject: Re: Roses Brief
From: rob@likeariver.co.uk
To: emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk
Hey don’t worry. It was only to give you soonest slot.
Next week will be fine.
When on Monday do you want to in?
On 10/26/09 1:42 PM, "emma georgiou"
Hi Rob,
We don't mean to sound ungrateful but we have a major project deadline for thursday, so next week would be best as we need to spend our time in the studio today through till thursday. Any day next week would be great so which ever suits you best.
Also it may be best if you set us the other briefs? That way it is more of a challenge for us rather than picking the ones we like best.
Many Thanks and sorry again for not being able to make it in this week.
RE: Roses Brief
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 26 October 2009 13:42:26 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Hi Rob,
We don't mean to sound ungrateful but we have a major project deadline for thursday, so next week would be best as we need to spend our time in the studio today through till thursday. Any day next week would be great so which ever suits you best.
Also it may be best if you set us the other briefs? That way it is more of a challenge for us rather than picking the ones we like best.
Many Thanks and sorry again for not being able to make it in this week.
Roses Brief
From: | emma georgiou (emmageorgiou88@hotmail.co.uk) |
Sent: | 26 October 2009 10:41:11 |
To: | rob@likeariver.co.uk |
Hi Rob,
Hope your ok.
We have been doing some initial ideas for the roses brief and have decided on the elastic band brief. After narrowing down ideas we came up with the idea of creating a book. 50 things to do with your elastic band. This would be aimed at the postman to urge them to keep there elastic bands to create useful inventions surrounding the band.
One idea being actually creating the book spine with an elastic band. We are going to get some visuals and scamps together next week and would love
to come in and show you to get your input?
Many Thanks
Casey and Emma,