Below is my email contact between william and crosby design.
It includes my message and there reply
Here is the response i received
Dear Emma,
Sorry for the delay, please see answers to questions as below. Please
feel free to forward further questions if this helps
Best regards
Edward Williams
Williams & Crosby
The Stables
King Edward Street
Cheshire SK10 1AQ
Tel: 01625 666900
Fax: 01625 666908
Email: ed@WandC.com
Web: www.WandC.com
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On 9 Dec 2008, at 14:27, emma georgiou wrote:
> Hi
> My name is Emma Georgiou and I am currently in my second year at
> Stockport College studying a degree in graphic design. I just wondered
> if you would mind taking your time to answer a few question about your
> work and the graphic design industry. I have had a look at your
> website and your work and seen that you have worked with big names
> such as Barclays, Boots and Siemens.
> Did you gain clients like this by visiting them and showing your work,
> or did they contact you?
They initially contacted ourselves via recommendation, we then took our
portfolio in and discussed how we worked and what they required.
> The work that I particularly liked from your portfolio was the give me
> growth logo and the duck egg bluu direct mail.
> How long did you have to do them briefs and was it something you
> enjoyed?
I would suggest we had a day on the initial concepts (6-10 ideas), we
would then discuss these in house and then spend another day developing
the chosen ideas for initial presentation to the client.
In these instances, the client liked what we had done and therefore
there was little to no development time required.
Yes we enjoyed these two as they were less 'Corporate' and therefore we
could have more fun/freedom with them.
> I thought they resembled work of Vince Frost with the use of
> typography. Which designers and typographers influence you and your
> work?
This very much depends on the designer working on the project. Phil and
I have an interest in typography, something many students these days
don't appear to get too much exposure to. Phil and I are both
influenced by Swiss typography, it tends to be more purist with an
appreciation of kerning and simplicity, but at the same time,
incorporating a more contemporary twist or slight detail the the font.
Look at the Paystream logo, this is based on VAG, but is then redrawn.
Nevil Brody was an influence in my youth - bringing in Japanese script
forms and with the advent of the Mac it meant tradition type could be
adapted to create new forms.
> And have these views changed as you have grown as designers?
Yes, I've moved away from gimmick and back to classic purist but still
with a twist
> Finally it mentioned on your website about awards you had won, which
> awards are these?
We are not an agency that submits for awards, but have been awarded a
few: British Design Council Design for Excellence, Creative Review,
HC2001 - 2007 (Healthcare exhibition stand 7 years running), Best of
show exhibition stand at British Franchise Show
> When you have students contacting you what are the main things you
> look for in their approach and portfolio?
Creativity, able to follow briefs accurately, use of colour,
typography, presentation of work, diversity and use/creation of images,
then a close second: personality, expansion/growth, how they conduct
themselves, confidence with arrogance, ability to communicate and most
of all - team player.
> Also if you could give one piece of advise about trying to get into
> the design industry what would it be?
Hard one this as you need all the above; Clearly show you have the
ability with the hunger/willingness to work very hard to fill the gap
between theory and delivery without panicking.
> Thanks for your time and I enjoyed looking at your work
Many thanks, I would like to see yours - please forward sample if you
feel willing
> Emma